Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Siddi Dancers at Gir

Siddi dancer

Siddi dancer

Siddi dancer

Siddi dancer

Siddi dancer

Siddi dancer

When I was in Gir one night at exactly 7:30 PM these dancers came. They are called Siddis. Siddi's are a South Asian ethnic group of Southeast African origin. Members are descended from Bantu peoples from Southeast Africa who were brought to the Indian subcontinent as slaves by Arab and Portuguese merchants. It was REALLY fun to watch them dance because they would come up separately, two people at a time and would make funny poses and faces, imitating animals and birds. They were singing and dancing around the fire and another thing which was really cool was that they would all of a sudden blow fire out of their mouths. It was hard for me to tae these pictures because it was really dark outside. Since we were sitting outside I was looking up in a tree where I heard what sounded like screeching, then I saw a big black thing come out of the tree and it turned out to be a HUGE family of HUGE bats!


  1. Great photos! I really get the sense that I was there seeing these tribal people! Seriously, great photographs.

    Be careful of bats! They can carry rabies and that's bad news!


  2. haha!! his faces are awesome!!!!!

  3. Dear Tara,
    Amazing pictures!! Those dancers were cool, but weren't you afraid of the bats? I would of been!!! I didn't do the egg fall thing and the metal chef thing because I was at Cubberly and you were in India. We can do it next fun week. Miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    -MALAINA :) :)

  4. The dancer looks weird and scary.


  5. They look sort of like ghosts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. Nice!! I miss you guys! it looks like your having fun!!

  7. Tara i miss you a lot! those are some cool pics. They have great painted faces.

