Wednesday, December 4, 2013

School Bus and Taxi

A taxi and school bus in Bombay

This taxi is one of the most common taxis in Bombay, it is black and yellow. A majority of the taxis in Bombay are old like this one, it is a 1930's era model of a Fiat, they mostly all look like this. The newer models of taxis are sky-blue colored, and air conditioned. The school buses are almost always yellow, this is a typical school bus used to transport the students to school. The students have to go by bus, they are not allowed to go in their own car. These school buses come to your home at 7:10 AM to pick you up and they drop you off around 3:00 PM. Traffic is terrible in India, all of the roads are packed and there is also a lot of pollution. If you can fit as many people in a car that you want to you are allowed to, like if I wanted to fit 10 people in a car, the police would allow me to.


  1. did u go on any rikshas?

    anyway poor thing, too much friggin traffic i know... that happens all the time.

    - sanjay

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cool taxi school bus.I feel bad that you where in boring traffic.I would not want to be in traffic.I bet the traffic is really bad.The city looks really pretty and fun.See you soon

    1. Did you konw taht you can Unedrstand waht I am wrting becuase if the frist and lsat latter stay the same you can raed it.


  4. I like that car... I want it!

    -Justin the awesome (most awesome in the universe)
