Tuesday, December 10, 2013

SNK School in Rajkot

Part of the SNK School in Rajkot

On December 5th, we flew from Bombay to a place called Rajkot.  We flew out from an airport called Chhatrapati Shivaji, the flight was about 1 hour long. When we reached Rajkot, we got into a car with a driver named Jitu, and then we drove about half an hour and stopped at a school called SNK School. The reason we stopped here is because one of the teachers, Bijal Damani, who spoke at Edmodocon 2013 (edmodocon.com) invited my family to visit her school. She has won numerous awards for using technology in education. Her school has 1,500 kids from Grade 3 - 12.  The school has a great gym, they have four squash courts, a Volleyball court,two swimming pools, badminton courts, indoor cricket pitch, and a soccer field on the roof. The classrooms are really nice. I enjoyed the visit.

Bijal Damani with my dad